In the present scenario in a nutshell, I feel the grown-up generation needs to be more practical and in a realistic approach. The population has gone up to the extreme but the job opportunity is getting reduced. Let me have a look towards the back of about 50 years: the trend towards industrialization had just started and people started migration from
rural areas to the urban areas splitting their joint families into single family systems. In that period nobody could understand the scarcity of living sheds would be a havoc problem.

A little consideration will show that in those circumstances entrepreneurship would be an utmost important feature.
In, strictly speaking, it was never thought that such a gigantic amount of population would be an overburden for the union machinery to run smoothly. In fact, the government has no other way to decentralize its operating mechanism else it would be the worst in its kind.

It is not only for India, globally the situation of the population in accordance with living infrastructures getting imbalanced every day and every moment. I would like to express that the days have come the new generations have to be focused by their performances in work; otherwise, their survival will be at stake. They have to be wise as well as they will have to apply their appropriate intellect in the field of performance. The specialists in the planning field are imposing their suggestions of development and accordingly, the union development machinery has taken the decision to cater the development aspects to the appropriate persons who have the affinity to invest money and take risk of self-employment and do development work and help the union by reducing the load of the government.

Here I have initially started ITI in two formats of trades (viz. Fitter and Electrician) with a target to offer appropriate feed-in training and the trainees in due course will be able to focus them in line with the need of the age. If I find it successful some more streams would be included in the near future.

I especially interested to deliver a QUALITY learning amongst the learners here.